

Some learning leaders just deserve their own red carpet and to be in the spotlight!
So, I am asking the questions, they share their wisdom.

Daniel Pink is a management icon, author and TEDex speaker. The conversation is about….drive, how to find your own purpose, generations, but also about the emotion of regret, how Dan Pink gets to good ideas and what he is still curious about. (16:09)

Conrad Gottfredson (USA) is an authorithy on workflow learning (also known als learning in the flow of work). Con shares a common misconception about workflow learning. He also shares how leadership development can occur in the flow of work. (12:11 min)

Emma Weber (Australia) is an expert in using AI and chatbots in the learning transfer field. In this conversation, she shares tips as well as the pros and cons of a human versus machine approach in learning transfer and coaching. (9:53)

Paul Zak (USA) is researcher, author and TED speaker focussing on how our brain and its chemicals steers behavior. In this interview he shares what ‘immersion’ means and how trainers or leaders can use this neurological state to boost learning. (7:26)

What is coachability? And what is the secret of successful coaching contributing to long-term career success? Expert, author and columnist (Forbes and Harvard Business Review)Jack Zenger (USA) explains.

Matthew Richter (USA) shares why debriefing a learning activity is so important to come to true learning. Especially when learning abstract concepts. (4:11 min)

Sivasailam Thiagarajan (USA) -also known as Thiagi- explains why learning should go along with approprite learning activities. Only ’talking about’ or by remaining conceptual we will not boost learning. (5:59 min)

Zholt Olah (USA, Sr Learning Technologist at Amazon) explains why ever learning professional should have a notion on data literacy. He also shares how to get started and avoid pitfalls. (6:06 min)

Nigel Paine explains the difference between a learning culture and a culture of learning. Paine (UK) is author of several books such as ‘Workplace learning’.(4:44 min)

What can leaders do to foster a learning culture? Nigel Paine (UK) is author of several books such as ‘Workplace learning’ (3:35 min)

What can co-workers do to foster a learning culture? Nigel Paine (UK) is author of several books such as ‘Workplace learning’ (2:00 min)

What is the hardest challenge to create a strong learning culture? Nigel Paine (UK) is author of several books such as ‘Workplace learning’ (3:34 min)

Why is self-determined learning (and not self-directed learning) a key ingredient to create a strong learning culture? Nigel Paine (UK) is author of several books such as ‘Workplace learning’ (2:34 min)

Guy Wallace (USA) publsihed a book about structured social learning. We start with a definition: what is social learning and the notion of ‘structured’ social learning? (3:20 min)

Guy Wallace (USA) published a book about structured social learning. In this video he explains the benefits of social learning compared to other learning methods. (5:12 min)

Guy Wallace (USA) published a book about structured social learning. Social learning is not just about water cooler conversations. Guy addresses some misconceptions about social learning. (2:47 min)


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